Social Injustice

A time in my life where I have observed social injustice is really everyday when I am logging into facebook. Majority of my friends, co-workers, former teachers, and family post and comment on political ads, statuses and images. Promoting equal rights, fair trade, fighting climate change, women's rights, etc. All of those things are great to share and promote change, but it also comes with negative comments, and people's harsh opinions. I have learned over time that you can not change someone else's views, or make them believe what you are saying. I have seen fights on facebook about who should win, calling people names, bashing someones status, and so on. We want change in this world but bringing hate to the table will not get us there. We need to educate ourselves and when commenting on something make sure it makes sense and try not to hurt that person's feeling or shove your opinion down their throat. Usually my natural reaction when I see a hate status, or something I don't agree with I want to comment and tell that person whats right. However, do I really know whats right? Its my opinion versus theirs. We all believe something different. This experience connects to other people because a majority of people around me use facebook on a daily basis and use it to express their feelings or beliefs. People are sharing articles that were written by people either in power or someone who is in college. By connecting to other people on a social injustice level it can be challenging to see eye to eye with someone who does not share the same beliefs as I do.


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