Caring for Children

There are many ways in both of these articles that show how the teachers care about their students. The article by Sarah Nieto talks about how her greatest challenge is helping students and students of color understand racism and what it means to treat others with respect. She is caring towards her students to give them a safe environment that is filled with diversity and equality. Nieto states that," We have plenty of friendly teachers but nice isn't enough." She explains that we need teachers who respect their students culture and will do anything to communicate with them and their parents and incorporate their culture in the classroom. We want to make the students feel like their language is being heard and that their voice matters in this world. Being treated equal is important.

After reading this article it reminded me of my internship in many ways. On my first day I met my teacher and she was speaking in English and Spanish. She began to tell me that half of her class only spoke Spanish and the other half English. She also told me that some of her students were even new to the school and to the state; they had never attended a school before. As she was speaking to the students it amazed me by how much Spanish she had learned. Mrs. G cared about her students, she cared to learn Spanish and practice while she was at home.  She was able to communicate with her students on a one on one basis. It was amazing to see and hear. You could tell her students had a special connection with her just by doing something small for them and making them feel more comfortable in a classroom environment.
I have only been at my internship for a few weeks so I am not sure on ways they could improve.


  1. Its nice to hear that your internship experience is well and shows care for the students in your class


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