Ideology Quiz

For this ideology quiz i scored a 9 for critical youth development. Before looking up what it meant I thought that it meant that it was bad. Critical youth development focuses on how youth engage with and impact their communities and cultures. Being a critical youth development worker focuses on helping teens contribute to the world and speaking up for what they believe in. Youth development workers are there to engage in healthy/unhealthy relationships. I believe that youth should be able to speak up and be in control of their own life and personal belief. It is important to hear them and support them. I feel like scoring critical youth development was a positive thing for me. I like to hear what young people have to say, finding their voice and what they are passionate about.

I do feel like this can help me in my future youth development career. It can be beneficial to help me lead the youth and support them. It is important to become a mentor to young people and be the person they can rely on as I can help lead them with their future.


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