
Showing posts from November, 2018

Ideology Quiz

For this ideology quiz i scored a 9 for critical youth development. Before looking up what it meant I thought that it meant that it was bad. Critical youth development focuses on how youth engage with and impact their communities and cultures. Being a critical youth development worker focuses on helping teens contribute to the world and speaking up for what they believe in. Youth development workers are there to engage in healthy/unhealthy relationships. I believe that youth should be able to speak up and be in control of their own life and personal belief. It is important to hear them and support them. I feel like scoring critical youth development was a positive thing for me. I like to hear what young people have to say, finding their voice  and what they are passionate about. I do feel like this can help me in my future youth development career. It can be beneficial to help me lead the youth and support them. It is important to become a mentor to young people and be the person the

Youth Worker Portrait

I was in the tenth grade when I started slacking off in school and putting my homework on the back-burner. My parents started arguing more, no way to concentrate and always worrying about what would happen next. I would attend school just as an escape from my home life. I was now failing two classed and my parents were called in to have a meeting with the school principal on some ways to help me pass. It was because of that meeting that I met my student support teacher, Mrs. Barlow. I remember walking into her small room for the first time and her greeting me with a huge smile and saying, “Whatever happens in this room, stays in this room.” It was warm and welcome, I finally felt a sense of relief. As the school year went on Mrs. Barlow and I formed an inseparable bond. She was my home away from home, my go-to, someone I could finally rely on. I opened up to her about my home life and how it made me feel and the reason behind slacking off. Student support offered me ex

Social Injustice

A time in my life where I have observed social injustice is really everyday when I am logging into facebook. Majority of my friends, co-workers, former teachers, and family post and comment on political ads, statuses and images. Promoting equal rights, fair trade, fighting climate change, women's rights, etc. All of those things are great to share and promote change, but it also comes with negative comments, and people's harsh opinions. I have learned over time that you can not change someone else's views, or make them believe what you are saying. I have seen fights on facebook about who should win, calling people names, bashing someones status, and so on. We want change in this world but bringing hate to the table will not get us there. We need to educate ourselves and when commenting on something make sure it makes sense and try not to hurt that person's feeling or shove your opinion down their throat. Usually my natural reaction when I see a hate status, or something

Body Map

This image shows me with my third grade reading group for my internship. I am engaging with the students while they listen carefully to me reading to them. It is positivity in my life and makes my internship that much better.