Conference 2018

Last week I was invited to attend a conference about student learning research at the Providence Biltmore. This was my first conference, I was excited to learn more about research and how the process works. I was shocked to see how many people attended and who traveled from just for this conference. In the beginning Eric went over the itinerary for the day and what would be expected of us and what we would learn throughout the day at the workshops. I attended The Met workshop where we met the principal and four students. Throughout the presentation the students did most of the talking while the principal sat back and listened. I enjoyed that since we got to hear from the youth and how The Met has such a positive impact on their life. The Met offers internships that help the students with their future careers and goals for their life. This is a perfect example of how youth development works. We are allowing the students to talk about what they like and experience life rather then doing it for them and being the leader. 
The students had asked everyone in the room to write down one or two questions that we had for them on a sticky note and we would ask them and they would answer. The students were prepared with power points and were determined to speak in front of everyone. The Met leads with youth and prepares the youth for a positive and successful future. The principle believes that these students have something special to share in this world and you can tell he has a relationship with each one of his students. The students are given their own space, time and structure to find the right path in life. Purposeful play was not mentioned but signs of youth development was definitely included in this school setting. 

"To lead vital change in education and impact our community by producing skilled graduates, lifelong learners, and responsible citizens who enjoy their life and work."


  1. I agree! It was a nice comparison to youth development and the Met.


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